Thursday, February 23, 2012

Friday after Ashes

Day Three
Part 1 Chapter 3

To what extent does supernatural reality shape my life?

In the midst of a discussion about parish high school youth ministry, a father leaned in and said to me, "All this is well and good, but how is this going to prepare these kids for the real world?". 

As a mother who educates her children at home, I frequently encounter well-intentioned adults who express concern for how my children will fare in "the real world." 

In conversations with young adults I knew as teenagers, too often I hear "the real world" used to describe a place where there are persons who must go un-named for propriety's sake--Divine Persons, and things like grace that should not be discussed even when speaking about one's own life.  There is a level of charity that is demanded by my Lord, but that I must deny while at work in the name of business savvy, they tell me.

The "real world" is what I believe the author would call the natural world.  It's the part of reality that any sane person can recognize.  With the gift of faith, however, human persons are made aware of the fullness of reality--of a Trinitarian God Who made all things "visible and invisible". Through the Holy Spirit, Our Lord has revealed things to humanity which are intimate details of the love of the Father for His creation and the love within the Persons of God.  No longer may we behave as if we do not know what the Father is doing. (John 15:15)

Let us allow the Good News of the supernatural reality to strengthen our resolve to grow in holiness, to "accomplish the will of God in a constant and generous fashion", and to rest in the peace that the Lord gives to us in this very moment.

1 comment:

  1. I see many who are afraid to be different than the 'norm' in today's world. Afraid to speak up for what they know to be right and good for fear of not being politically correct in the work place/school/etc. A conscience effort has been made to make the black and white areas of life into the gray reality of no boundary land where anything and everything goes as long as in the end it makes the individual feel worthwhile. My thoughts are that unless we know and work on faults we cannot rise above the 'norm' to become what we were intended to be.
