Part 2 Chapter 4
"You must try again." When it comes to the pursuit of perfection ("accomplishing the will of God in a constant and generous fashion"), I think that this advice of Monsignor Lejeune is as profound as it is brief. It is a worthy mantra for every 'present moment'.
It was also helpful for me to be reminded that fruitful prayer is not synonymous with good feelings. The chapter on cataloging souls treated the inability of feelings to assess the state of one's soul, so too are they unreliable as a way of assessing the fruitfulness of our prayer/meditation. "...the merit and fruit of prayer do not consist in arousing sentiments which produce a certain sweetness and sensible consolation. It is not necessary for you to experience these emotions: it suffices for you to desire them with a firm and determined will. When it pleases God to send you these sentiments, receive them with gratitude, but do not be grieved by their absence. God does not ask them from you, He requires only what is in your power. To love God in prayer with a firm will, is the true and solid love that He demands of you. This other love is tender love that does not depend on you."
Monsignor's notes on the "how to" of meditation are easy to follow, provided we engage our will and actually do it. I will print out that section for reference while I learn to follow it from memory.
Definitions: Pusillanimity means contemptible fearfulness or cowardice (I had no idea this was a word.)
Efficacy is similar to effectiveness.
Exigencies are urgent or immediate needs.
A mendicant is one who begs.
Additional notes: CCC #2705-2708 treats meditation.
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